Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getting Back to the Things You Love...My Affair With Smoothies

So, I want to say back in 2007 or so, a popular trend on Facebook was posting 20 things about yourself and attaching it to 20 important people in your life.

One of the “profound” things that I discovered about myself at the time was that I loved smoothies! Something about the blend of ice, fruit, yogurt and juice instantly can lift my spirits.

I’ve bought my share of smoothies over the years and had accepted the belief that Smoothie King, Jamba Juice, or any other coffee shop had an expertise on making these delicious treats. I never thought to make them on my own because for some reason, they just didn’t seem to be as good as the ones from the store.

In my last relationship, my partner reminded me that I had a blender and got me out of my habit of wasting those last pieces of fruit in the container that weren’t as pretty as the others. My partner got creative and encouraged me to "Make a smoothie!"

What I noticed is that my partner wasn’t concerned about how the smoothie tasted in comparison to the other stores. He tried new things and they were good. 

Since then I’ve gotten back to making smoothies…I love them. I’ll still buy Jamba Juice, etc. but they won’t ever be like the ones I can make. Mine are special.

I share this seemingly frivolous story with the greater purpose of reminding people that we should do the things that make us happy. Don’t let losing touch and time dismantle you from doing the things that you’ve enjoyed. Don’t let fear that it won’t be good enough as/for someone else to stop you.  It will be great because it was made by you and for you.



  1. Good sentiment. I got some materials to make a DIY photo album for the wedding pics. If it comes out lumpy and crooked, I will remember that it was made by me.

  2. Aahhh! I love it. Your wedding was so awesome that uneven cut lines and lumps couldn't take away from the beauty and memories. SO glad I was a part of that.


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