When I stop to think about why I feel numb, it’s not because
I’m emotionless or don’t have any empathy for those who are victims of gun violence. The real reason I feel numb is because I feel powerless against it.
What can I do? And this is not a rhetorical question. At the
end of the day…what can I do? Yes I can sign an online petition…but after
that…clueless. It seems like the agents of change around legislation and gun
laws are all caught up in red tape. So
nothing gets done while people die from the trigger of guns daily.
Perhaps I’m too extreme in my personal thought that we
should just get rid of guns altogether…I mean, we saw what happened with
alcohol and Prohibition. But just take a moment to imagine a world with no
guns? I know it seems hard…but just try.
Hunters, you can still use your bow and arrows. Of course there’d still be crime…but I’m sure
the drive-bys, massacre killings, and pre-meditated murder would decrease
Sometimes I feel like America is just as backwards as it is
progressive. America is suffering from an identity crisis. And I’m not calling
America insecure, but it sure has an “ego” and issues with feeling
powerful. Why does America cleave to its
guns like gum to the bottom of a shoe?
A gun was created to kill…sure initially the right to bear
arms was meant as a form of protection against rowdy soldiers, but come on
...we modify a lot of laws to reflect the times we live in.
The wars that have taken place on American soil have all
involved guns…when Americans have gotten involved in other foreign conflict
affairs & wars…guns are involved. Americans like feeling powerful and they
use guns as a means to flex their muscles.
Guns are used for recreation sport, for hunting (on a full stomach),
threatening, intimidation and for killing. And what we’re saying through our gun laws ,
gun usage, and glorification of gun culture is that we don’t value the loss of life that comes
through guns. We value the person’s right to own the gun. We value feeling
powerful, and letting someone know that if they mess with us…they got another
thing coming. We value feeling like God, because with our guns we can decide
when and how someone can die or be caused pain.
I know that a lot of people argue that guns help defend and
protect, and I know there have been cases where a gun has helped protect
someone from a robbery, etc. I’d like to
zoom out from those micro-incidents and say, if no one had a gun to begin with
– there’d be less robberies. And if guns
are really so suitable for protection – where were the guns for the people in
the movie theater in Colorado? Why shouldn’t we all just walk around with
loaded guns and be ready to pop off on someone who tries to mess with us? The
idea sounds absurd because it is.
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