After my most recent romantic relationship ended in April, I
This was a great lesson for me as it helped ease the hurt
and disappointment that often comes with a breakup. I’ll further explain.
More often than not, a connection serves as a catalyst for a
relationship, and it is a great feeling that can attract you to someone
physically, mentally and emotionally.
But by sheer definition, a connection is simply a physical or metaphorical
link to a person, thing or idea. While our lives are enriched by connections,
I’m sure we could all agree that we don’t want to date any and every person
that we click with. Connections are a
come and go fleeting type of thing. Yes, we both like Thai food, love Janelle
Monae, and challenge the status quo of organized religion, but is that enough
to make a relationship work and meet one another’s needs? As I was reflecting
on whether or not my needs were met in my last relationship, I realized that
there was a great connection there, but that ultimately we both would be left
with unmet needs.
Which brings me to my next point… compatibility. By
definition, compatibility is a consistent harmonious ability to be matched and
used together. When unpacking and
applying that definition to a relationship, it raises important questions that
any one and their (potential) partner have to figure out. “Do we value the same things?” “Can we
understand one another’s needs?” “Are we equipped to meet each other’s needs?”
These questions alone take someone from the initial attraction and connection
phase, to making a sustainable loving compatible relationship.
One person in the relationship may value a faith and
demonstrative displays of their spirituality, while the other person may not
have a faith or might be more insular about how they practice their beliefs. One party may value uninterrupted venting and
listening while the other person may see it as complaining and unable to solve
problems. Neither is wrong for their approach, they’re just different and
seemingly incompatible. A good first step in moving from a connections-only
relationship based model is to figure out the things that someone would have to
deeply understand about you and put up with for the duration of your
I’m still in the process of learning and discovering what it
is I truly value and need, but with the things that I am aware of, I will
certainly honor their role in my relational happiness, and commit to engaging
suitors beyond a connection level. You
can have all the right cable cords connected…but if they aren’t hooked up in a
way that’s compatible to a device’s requirements…it just won’t work. I’m now seeing myself as a cable cord ready
device…and hopefully there’s a matching compatible pair of
cords ready to make
magic happen.
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